Thursday, March 22, 2012

079- The Addicts' Wife

Some people say addiction is a disease; others say it’s a weakness, I say it’s both. It’s a disease that engulfs the person with a terrible weakness.  It’s a disease with just one cure and that’s support.
My name is Zeyba and I am a recovering addicts’ wife.

My husband is loving, he’s caring and at times like a prince from a fairytale. He’s also a lot of other things.  But that’s okay coz I made a pledge and I’d stand by him every rough patch on this road. Support, remember that’s the cure.

In a lot of ways my life and his are quite the same. We were both victims to a countless misfortunes as just little kids. The only difference was the paths that we took to deal with the pain. But somewhere along the way we both stopped thinking of ourselves as victims and rather reminded each other that our past was what made us stronger, better.

Mistakes were something that was a huge part of our lives, but somewhere along the way we taught each other to not let the mistakes control our lives. Instead it was what drove us to fight to be better, happier people. And even through the worst of times, our dreams never wavered. We dreamed, and in every one of those dreams we were together, happy.

And when we were together, it was magic. It is magic. Our love restored a faith in our hearts. Faith in the existence of a god. The same God that put us through a countless tests only to will our hearts to find each other. The God that willed us to heal our broken hearts with a love that never changed through the years.

I remember days when we had just started dating. I remember days when he fed me with his own hands every time we had a meal together. And I remember the times my heart raced every time he smiled. I remember the goose bumps all over my skin with just one kiss. And it takes all my pain away to know that even today he’d feed me with his hands. Even today, a smile and my heart races. Even today, one kiss and goose bumps cover every inch of my skin.

Don’t get me wrong, things aren’t always rainbows and butterflies. Things can be lightning storms and thunders from time to time. He’ll get on my nerves, he’d say hurtful things but patience can only solve the problems that come between us. I get angry so many times, but I always remember to calm down before I talk to him. And I learnt this with a thousand mistakes.

A thousand tears were shed in those times that he fought to be sober. His body weakened, his eyes hallucinating- It broke my heart. His hands pleading in front of me for the pain to go away. It cracked my faith but it never broke. I held on to the hope coz I knew I could never give up on him. I knew eventually this would be worth all of my tears and his. 

Today I am proud to say that I stand beside the man that I believed he could be 15 years ago. I stand beside a transformed man. It’s as though he was never the helpless person that I met so long ago. He’s my husband, father to my child and owner of a happy house that we like to call home.

But the road up to this point was heart. Every step of the way my patience was put to test. But I stuck around coz I wasn’t the only one changing or healing him, he changed and healed me too. And one thing that I’ll have to believe that any second my life could take a turn to the bad side. Relapsing is something I have to believe is not too far from us. But thats okay coz I’ll stand by him through thick and thin. I'll never let him fall.

Support, remember that’s the cure.


People make mistakes. Sometimes some people make bigger mistakes than others, that however does not mean that they couldn't change. Every addict has a right to have a supportive environment. Every addict has a right to be given a chance to prove themselves. And we should believe in our hearts that change does not happen over night. It takes time. 

Support is what I believe will eliminate addiction from our society.

Friday, March 2, 2012

078- Respect and Accept.

I've written this piece of poetry from what I imagine to be an autistic point of view. Although I am sure there's so much more to what one would feel and for that I'll always show compassion to each and every one. I do not believe that Autism is a disease or an illness. Its simply is a disorder. DIS ORDER, As in a different order than how our brains are wired. Although this does not mean that it makes their intellect less or damaged. It simply means its different whilst harboring all the potential as you or me has for excellence. :)

So always remember different, NOT less.

And so hear goes into advocating respect and acceptance for Autism.


What good is order when order makes no sense?
It matters when disorder makes you tense,
I admit around me is this tall fence,
But I promise I am without false pretense.

At times I cannot say those words,
I can’t understand those huge billboards,
A man naked above huge roads,
Thoughts inside of me grows tenfold.

Mostly its people I can’t understand,
Expressions havocking as a marching band,
Things spinning that pulls me out of my stand,
I wish you’d be my guiding hand.

I find I can’t express what I feel,
And no, I do not wish to heal,
It is what truly makes me real,
Although in my eyes, the world is surreal.

At times, a hug seems too much,
As though I am on fire or something as such,
As though I suffocate with just one touch,
At the core of my heart it does truly clutch.

I am different that too I’ve always known,
And my feelings could never be truly shown,
And with every second my love has grown,
And it’s not my wish to forever be alone.

I wish you’d show me some respect,
I wish you’d understand what I expect,
It not much to tell me that you accept,
Differences aside, show how to adapt.

Treat me as though I am one of you,
Treat me as though I have feelings too,
Heal me when I feel like forever blue,
Save me each time, forever be true.