Monday, May 16, 2011

005-Second Chances.

We, humans, we make mistakes. Its in our NATURE to screw up. And sometimes we make the same mistake repeatedly for a long time, coz maybe somehow it's easier than correcting it. And that's completely fine. Coz the good thing about mistakes is that WHEN you realize your mistake, you can try and make it right. The important thing is to find the determination TO make it right.

But that's kinda hard to do with every single person breathing down your neck 24/7. Scrutinizing your every move waiting, WISHING you would screw up again. It will be impossible for someone to correct their mistakes if everybody else just expects him to make it worse.

The kind of society we live in is one of those societies that are judgmental and hypocritical. The minute someone makes a mistake, they take the pleasure in it and label them. Depressed. Alcoholic. Drug addict. Thief. Psycho. Whore. Etc etc. And they find every opportunity to bring them down. They take pleasure in watching them go down.

Like for someone who is a recovering drug addict, it will be like finding water in a desert if they wanted to find a job. People look down upon them, like they are filth. But truth is, something made them the way they are. They weren't just born as drug addicts and alcoholics. And when they have finally realized their mistakes and wants to make it right, these judgmental hypocrites bring them back to the brink of falling down again.

So you gave someone a chance, and they made a mistake. So what? We ARE humans. Not gods. Right? Give them a second chance. Support them in making themselves better. Encourage them to push themselves. And when they start giving up, push them harder to be better. And when you see even an ounce of change in them, ACKNOWLEDGE it. Change doesn't have to be huge. It can be just as little as a grain of sand on the beach. It might be little compared to the whole wide beach, but it DOES make a difference.

The other day I was talking to Batman and I told him something that really means something. I told him that it takes one brick at a time to build a wall. That the wall wouldn't just come into being on its own. And that you still have to pick up that first brick and start building it. :)

I believe in second chances. I believe that people change. I believe that those people need someone to push them on to the right path. I believe that eventually they emerge stronger and wiser for the mistakes that they've made!

I believe in second chances, do you?

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