Saturday, August 6, 2011

048- An attempt for a Story.

Hey guys! So I am planning on writing a series of letters in form of a story. So the basic outline of the story is that these said letters are from a girl to her deceased best friend at different points of her life. Now, I am gonna go ahead and warn you, I have a tendency of not finishing stories that I start. :/ So I am gonna just go ahead and say I am sorry in case that does happen. But I will try my very best to finish this time. :) Hope you all like it. And please leave as many comments as you want. Remember the comments are what keeps me going. ;)

So here goes...
                                                       *                 *                *

Dear Emily,
Today is six days after you left me. Six incredibly messed up days after having cried my eyes out in front of a thousand people. Six sleepless nights trying to figure out a way to reach out to you, to communicate and to pour my heart out to you like I did so many times before. 'Pour my heart out', it sounds cliche', I know Em. But come to think of it now, that was what we always did.

Tell me something, Em? Is it possible to reach out to the dead? Is it possible that these words I am writing will float to you wherever you are at this moment? Heaven or no heaven, could my feelings be felt by you even now, just like you always did before? Well, I honestly thought that if I had died before you did, I would spend my after life haunting you, following you around and scaring you to death. [Occasionally, as it DOES sound hilarious.] The least I can expect is that you are standing behind this very moment reading the sort of crap that I always happen to write.

I know what you'll be thinking if you were here right now. You would think that I am crazy. Well, 'Crazy but incredibly awesome' as you always preferred to say. I know that this is a tad bit crazy. [Well, a LOT crazier than I'd dare to admit to myself.] But Em, I feel lost without you. I can't shake off the image of you in a hospital bed while you took your very last breath. It just sucks like hell. I am just a kid, I am 15. How can I just learn to live without the one person who used to be like an extended part of me? How can I live without my best friend? How can I move on without you, Em?

And how is it fair for God to take you away. You were just 15 yourself. You had your whole life ahead of you. We were going to do so many things together. Hell, we even said that when we got married and had kids, we would even make our kids marry each other. We had so many dreams. You had so many dreams. How is it fair?

I know we had a lot of good memories together before you were diagnosed with Cancer. So many epic moments with each other doing things that were both silly and absolutely crazy. And even after the big C hung over our heads, never once did you complain. Never once did you let us know how crushed and sad you must've been. You were always that way, never wanting to burden anyone with your sadness. Instead you were always the one who shared your happiness around. Spreading the smile that always accompanied you everywhere. I have had 8 years of good memories with you and yet all I remember now is your ashen face and chapped lips. Cracking with every attempt and making everyone laugh.

I don't know what to do, Em. I haven't gone to school in these 6 days, and honestly I don't suppose I can. I got through school everyday only because I had you standing beside me. And now I am just stuck. I need you here, Em. I need you back. And it breaks my heart that there's NO WAY that, that is possible.

Your best friend,


  1. hmmm well nice,,
    the way you have expressed it thats just great,,

    my imagiation is lil bit cracked but u got a great ability of imagining what ever... thats cool...

  2. Why, Thankyou! :) Comments like yours is what keeps me inspired and going! :)

  3. Thankyou very much Little Auntie. :)
